Because and Vikas
Because is a conjunction used for giving the reason of something. With a slight difference, the same word in India is used for development. The starting letter is “V” and not “B” but while pronouncing it, it sorts of mingle and people often get confused if you use the English word in a foreign accent.
The phonetic representation of the Indian word would be Vikāsa.
My and Mi
My means a pronoun depicting the affinity or ownership of the thing. However, in India, it simply means the mother. The word is both commonly used in big cities as well as villages in number of states, many of them though have a altogether different official language.
The phonetic representation of this Indian word would be “Māī”.
Grass and Grass
This word means a green herbage that grows on earth. Grass is used as pasture for grazing animals. However, in India, the same word and almost identical pronunciation would mean a morsel or bite of a food item. In fact, when somebody dies, they say that he has become the ‘grass’ of death.
The phonetic pronunciation of this word in India would be Grāsa.
Mill and Mil
The word mill in English would mean a machinery that helps in grinding and milling materials. In India, ‘Mil’ acts as a verb which means “to meet”.
The phonetic pronunciation of Indian word would be “Mila”.
Sum and Sam
The word ‘Sum’ in English means either the quantity or the addition of entities. It is like the total count after you have added up various things or numbers. However, in India, Sam means “Same” or “Equal”. It often acts as the prefix to make other words like Samtal, Sambhav, etc. In Indian classical music, ‘Sam’ is the first note of a percussion instrument when a rhythm is played.
The phonetic representation would be “Sama”.
Go and Go
In English, ‘Go’ is used as a verb in imperative mood and also as adjective when things are fine. However, in India, ‘Go’ means a cow (yes, the animal). Go in India also has a lot of variations including “Gau”, “Gaay” etc.
The phonetic representation in India would be “Go”.
Man and Man
Man in English would mean an adult male. The word is used as a noun, a verb and also as an interjection. However, in India, Man means the mind. The pronunciation is a bit different.
The phonetic representation would be ‘Mana’.
Chain and Chain
Chain in English would mean a series of things and sometimes the means that is used to bind something. However, in India, Chain would mean comfort, ease, respite or quiet. It’s of course one of the most sought after feelings by human beings.
The phonetic representation would be “Chaina”.
Lo and Lo
Lo in English is an interjection, which is used to draw attention. It’s often used in poetic sense. However, in India, the word ‘Lo’ with same pronunciation would mean ‘take’ in imperative mood. If somebody is offering something to somebody, this word would be used as a prompt.
The phonetic representation would be ‘Lo’.
Call and Kaal
In English, call is used as a noun or a verb. It means the disposition, a telephonic conversation or to assign the duty, shout out loud for something or somebody. However, in India, Kaal would mean the time. Contextually, it would mean the death.
The phonetic representation would be “Kāla”.