List of 17 similar words in Sanskrit and Spanish
We have been working on finding similar or common words in different languages and Sanskrit. My main motive for listing these words is just enjoyment based and I do not want to impress upon some idea. There are many languages that have similar words with Sanskrit and being passionate learning new language, I try to compile them and share with my readers.
If you have any other words in any language that is similar to Sanskrit, you can share it here. Apart from this, if you would like to help us improve our postings, feel free to put your suggestions and feedback.
While listing the present list, I have given the English meaning of the words so as to give the idea what meaning I am talking about in the Spanish language.
Mitad | Half | मध्यः |
Donar | Give | दानं |
Situar | Sit | स्थितः |
Ananá | Pineapple | अननासः |
Seco | Dry | शुष्कः |
Febrero | February | फाल्गुनः |
Primero | First | प्रथमः |
Tecero | Third | तृतीयः |
Cuatro | Fourth | चतुर्थः |
Sexto | Sixth | षष्ठः |
Dos | Two | द्वौ |
Tres | Three | त्रयः |
Cuatro | Four | चतुर्थः |
Seis | Six | षट् |
Ocho | Eight | अष्ट |
Nueve | Nine | नव |
Diez | Ten | दश |

Hora (spanish) = hour (english) = होराः (sanskrit)