List of similar words in Sanskrit and German (Deutsch)
Here is a list of 19 similar or common words in Sanskrit and German (Deutsch).
These words have a common meaning and somewhat common pronunciation.
Like in my earlier posts, I have provided the English meaning also so as to make sure that the reader understands the context in which the word is being used.
I would like to know if you have some suggestions for feedback and if you would like to contribute by providing some more words.
Feel free to leave your comments.
German | English | Sanskrit | Transliteration |
Attraktion | Attraction | आकर्षणं | Ākarṣaṇaṁ |
Sitzen | Sit | स्थितः | Sthitaḥ |
Gras | Grass | घासः | Ghāsaḥ |
Maus | Mouse | मूषिकः | Mūṣikaḥ |
Binden | Bind | बन्ध् | Bandh |
Dezimal | Decimal | दशकः | Daśakaḥ |
Perfekt | Perfect | परिपूर्ण | Paripūraṇa |
Kurve | Curve | कुटिलः | Kuṭilaḥ |
Band | Bond | बन्धः | Bandhaḥ |
Sohn | Son | सूनुः | Sūnuḥ |
Wunsch | Wish | वाञ्छ् | Vāñch |
Sinken | Sink | सद् | Sad |
Wind | Wind | वातः | Vātaḥ |
Kuckuck | Cuckoo | कोकिलः | Kokilaḥ |
Joch | Yoke | युगः | Yugaḥ |
Mord | Murder | मर्दन | Mardana |
Absorption | Absorption | अवशोषणं | Avaśoṣaṇaṁ |
Besser | Better | भद्रतरः | Bhadrataraḥ |
Witwe | Widow | विधवा | Vidhavā |
Kurve Curve कुटिलः .Sir I would like to suggest Vakara insted Kutal
for Besser Better भद्रतरः I would like to suggest Brihadtara
Please think.I am doing some work on the same line.
Achyut Vinayakrao Vishwarupe,Nagpur
Thanks for providing these examples. We wish good luck for your work.