Features offered by Kubuntu
Kubuntu is a derivative of Ubuntu and it uses the KDE environment instead of GNOME that is used in normal version of Ubuntu. If you ever wanted to try the K desktop that have more of graphics options, this is the one for you.
Here are 5 main benefits of using this derivative of Ubuntu:
1. You will be able to avail the features of the K desktop environment that offers powerful graphical environment offering technological superiority.
2. Digikam is the software that you can use for photo management while using Kubuntu. It is one of those highly specific software for advanced digital photo management.
3. Kubuntu has a unique feature of offering power management options that save a lot of power for portable computer system.
4. Kubuntu has easy options for networking and print sharing over a network, which is very useful for organization who want to take advantage of hardware over a network.
5. It gives an option of using preconfigured accessibility profile. This provides users the option of using Kubuntu and for other computer needs.
Apart from these primary features, Kubuntu comes with a biannual release cycle that has at least 18 months of free security updates for each release. This is where you need to worry about the security of your system.
For further readings on these features about Kubuntu, check this link.

5 reasons why you should not use Kubuntu:
1.) Kubuntu constantly ships broken KDE language packages: http://www.flickr.com/photos/19616885@N00/sets/72157608562200171/
2.) Canonical’s/(K)Ubuntu’s Launchpad Rosetta software can’t even import language files correctly (see #1), so trying to contribute updated translations via Rosetta in hope they get to upstream KDE is a waste of time.
3.) Bluetooth doesn’t work in Kubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810#Kubuntu%20Bluetooth%20support
4.) All 5 listed “pro Kubuntu” features are stock KDE features and hence available in any distro with KDE packages.
5.) It’s not Chakra/Arch, sidux, openSUSE, Mandriva, PC-BSD, or any other distro that doesn’t sabotage KDE.
This article has nothing to do with linux adoption. It’s about KDE adoption. Kubuntu is one of the worst choices for a KDE based linux distro, so your not doing new users any favours by trumpeting it.
Which spirit? To sabotage KDE?
(K)Ubuntu is by far the worst KDE distro out there and even its GNOME support is not outstanding. Debian, openSUSE, Fedora, … all have good GNOME support. Ubuntu just has an ugly theme applied to GNOME. The rest of it is pretty much stock GNOME whose features are mostly developed by Red Hat, Novell, and Sun.