You step out of your little self to look around you and you will find a lot of business ideas. Most business ideas land in people like a flash all of a sudden. This small spark takes the shape of a forest fire in the long run and contributes to a thriving business. Here I can share with you the story of a woman entrepreneur with you.
In one of the highly popular towns of Tamilnadu, this lady was into making flower bouquets. She had her outlet near the district collector’s office and she could find a comfortable business since the region had a number of government offices and therefore there was a demand for flower bouquets. People and officials regularly bought bouquets from her. This lady had two children and her husband had deserted her and gone away leaving her to her own fate. With the little income she could make from the bouquet business, she could somehow comfortably take care of her children though she was not able to make them study in good schools.
Now and then people used to visit her outlet for buying some loose flowers for marriage decorations. Once it just struck her that she could enter into the wedding arrangements arena to find a better business. The next time she accepted some marriage hall decoration order and found that it could help her make good money in one order which she will have to earn over a month. She gradually extended her services and today she offers A to Z wedding arrangement services. Once you tell her the date of the marriage and hall where it would take place, she will arrange everything as per the custom requirements of the party from reception, catering, gifts, entertainments, programs, transport and anything that the party might require. Now her children are studying in a high profile residential schools and she has now grown to enormous heights. She had a small business to start with and now she has grown to gigantic proportions.