Freelancing jobs are quite interesting in many of their prospective: it is hard to believe for a regular user that most of people who are not used to internet and the terminology that we frequently use, it is hard to understand what even this word “freelancing” means. They are not able to visualize how the system could be working and how the things are done; and therefore, perhaps, they are not able to exploit the full potential of freelancing jobs, though they are in great need of this sort of thing.
In this article, we would discuss various advantages that these freelancing jobs present. We will divide the advantages into two broad categories: technical advantages, which will consist people doing freelancing jobs and also the people who are using such people; general advanates, which will again consist both types of people–buyers and sellers.
Technical Advantages:
For buyers:
1) They get broader pool of people who are professional and who hail from different backgrounds, and therefore, can address the international or universal aspect of the project or required job.
2) The financial matters are addressed in a better way–cost can be substantially reduced and with full-fledged security provided by online marketplaces.
3) To go universal and present their business on international scale, sometimes, owners need services of people who are from different countries. This is one of the main points of freelancing jobs–professionals from different countries are able to bid on the projects.
4) Due to advancement of internet and computer technology in one particular country to be more, it sometimes in needed that people from that country should work for the projects. This is quite easy through freelancing jobs. We can take the example of India here. India is very famous for software development. Due to the popularity of India in this field, many freelancers are able to work through online marketplaces.
5) Due to healthy competitiveness enjoyed by online marketplaces, buyers are able to choose people from elite group of professionals who they deem to be very apt in their work. This allows buyers to make a better choice for their jobs.
For sellers:
1) With more exposure, the variety and demands of jobs make people more experienced in their respective fields of expertise. This allows professionals to grow in their quality and be successful.
2) With the advantages of online marketplaces, they can rest assured that they will get paid for their work. Moreover, the functionality of the online marketplaces ensures that their work will not be used by anybody else other than the buyer.
3) People who know they can learn more technologies can rest assured that their talent will not go unearthed–they can hope for some exposure at the international level and at the same time can earn handsome money if they possess quality expertise.
General Advantages:
For Buyers:
1) Due to the fact that wide group of professionals make their bids on the projects, buyers have an option to ask for lowering the price for the work. This is basically due to the competitiveness of the environment.
2) Again due to competitiveness, sellers agree to work on a faster pace, which allows buyers to have their work done within a short-period of time.
3) The whole process of business can be outsourced–buyers just need to tell what they need; choose a person to do the work; accept the work; and pay the price. Other things included in the business are not be done or taken care by the buyers.
For Sellers:
1) There are more options for sellers–more and more free online marketplaces are coming to fore, which allow sellers to regesiter themselves and look for work. Some nominal fee is charged once a seller works on some project. This eliminate the need of paying upfront fees, like it happens with some paid sites.
2) One of the main advantages of freelancing job is freedom of time, space, and work-culture. By work-culture i do not mean work-ethics. It is an entirely different issue. By work-culture i only mean that while you are working from home, you do not need to wear corporate-style clothes, be very professional in your physical outlook, and similar things. Their is total independence of time–you can choose your working hours and how much time you require for a particular job. The freedom of space is also there, as you can work from home or have your own office–you just need to be consistent in the work that you deliver.
3) Again, for people who are not able to work on premises, or who choose to work from home, these freelancing jobs are real boon.
4) There is total security of financial matters–moreover, they can withdraw the money directly to their accounts, which is faster and easier.
Concluding Remarks:
It is obvious that these online marketplaces have created a sort of independent world, where business is flourishing and which is sometimes seems to overtake the conventional business strategies. However, with the benefits of freelancing jobs, we can underestimate its power and utility at any level. We have to marvel at its functionality and use it for our maximum good, and offer our services for its improvement also.