It’s pretty plain as it reads or appears. When I was in a job, my eating habits were disturbed, bad and irregular. When I became an entrepreneur, my food got more regular; I avoided eating junk food; and of course, the eating schedule also got set.
So, how it all happened!
The credibility of this article comes from the fact that I have worked in number of organizations and in different roles, living in different cities. One of my job in fact was near my home town and I stayed in my home while doing the job. However, my eating habits were not regular, good, and okay as per the requirements. I used to take extra amount of tea, eat junk food and a lot of fried items. At the same time, due to varied job roles, I had no schedule or set timings for eating.
Then, something good happened. I became and entrepreneur and had my own office. My business requirements needed to me to open my office at some definite hours and close it down accordingly. Because I had to sit in the office and the food became costlier outside (eateries and restaurants), I started bringing home-cooked food with me.
This meant that I skipped eating fried items with every cup of tea and also my tea was regularized as the vendor came in at fixed hours. Moreover, home-cooked food was healthier than what you can get in the market and also my wife took extra care to make sure that its nutrient value was good.
So, I can easily assert that becoming an entrepreneur has helped me regularize and optimize my eating habits.

Its great to know about the scientific reason behind day to day life.
Thanks sir.