While every business idea is the best one when executed with perfect planning, there are really some best businesses that can fetch you good amount of money in the long run. For instance, let me discuss here about contractual services. A contractor for instance is a person who gets a job done for a paying client in return for a commission. This means, when you want to be a contractor, it is not absolutely necessary that you have the required skill for the given task. You just need to be able to organize things and get the job done through people who are specialized in the field. This can be explained more in detail.
For example, let us take constructions work contractor. This person has a data base of people who offer a variety of services connected to construction. One the contractor accepts a project, he appoints the people who take up the various components of the project like masonry work, plumbing, electrical and others. The contractor pays the professionals from the money given by the client and then benefits from the commissions and surplus amount that ensues from the project. Once things are properly planned and executed to perfection, contractual job is one of the most lucrative opportunities that requires absolutely no investment from your side. The example described can be stretched to any field of activity you are interested in.
There are however some challenges to contractual services. The quality of work and services you render your clients should be of appreciable standard. If the people you employ do not give quality service, then you are risking the prospects of future business. Remember that as a contractor you are accountable for the job delivered and not the professional you appointed. Once you have a good team of multifarious professionals in your team, then probably you can do a great job as a contractor.