Funny Jokes

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Rajnikanth Jokes

1. Rajni is so hot…the cigarette burns before it’s lit. __________________________________________ 2. Rajnikanth irons his shirts while he’s wearing them. __________________________________________ 3. Rajnikanth wrote a check without any bank balance and the bank bounced. __________________________________________ 4. Only Rajnikanth can smell what the rock is cooking. __________________________________________ 5. Intel’s new tag line…. RAJNIKANT INSIDE! __________________________________________

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Rajnikanth Jokes

1. Rajnikanth can cut knife with apple. ___________________________________ 2. What does GOD exclaim when he is shocked? Oh my Rajnikanth! ___________________________________ 3. After 20 years, Robots will make a movie called Rajnikanth. ___________________________________ 4. When Rajnikanth logs on to, Facebook updates its status message. ___________________________________ 5. CAT is outdated. Now, the students have to

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Rajnikanth Jokes

1. Rajnikanth doesn’t wear a watch. He decides what time it is. _____________________________________ 2. Rajnikanth has already been to Mars, that’s why there are no signs of life there. _____________________________________ 3. Rajnikanth can play the violin with a piano. _____________________________________ 4. Micheal Jordan to Rajni: “I can spin a ball on my finger for over

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Rajnikanth Jokes

1. Whenever Rajnikanth left a country free, the people celebrated their independence day. ___________________________________________ 2. For Rajnikanth, there is no theory of Big Bang. He simply believes that he laughed at a joke that day and the whole world came into existence. ___________________________________________ 3. All the seekers of truth are looking for one thing; what?

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Rajnikanth jokes on IPL

1. Rajnikanth got bored from all the bad drama that IRL creates and broke its leg. Now, it is called IPL. ________________________________ 2. IPL is the only place where Rajnikanth jokes are welcomed by cheer-leaders dancing and waving ________________________________ 3. Rajnikanth is the only celebrity who can turn a boring IPL match on its head.

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Rajnikanth jokes on shopping

1. Once Rajnikanth went for shopping and felt that the space is too small. The owner of the shop got the idea to open “Big Bazaar”. _______________________________________ 2. When Rajnikanth is not shopping in the market, people heave a sigh of relief and feel free to shop in an “EasyDay”. _______________________________________ 3. Rajnikanth can shop

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Rajnikanth jokes on singing

1.  Rajnikanth sings songs that are never written. Lyricists create the lyrics after Rajnikanth sings them. _______________________________________________ 2. Rajnikanth sing the telephone directory as a holiday song. _______________________________________________ 3. Rajnikanth never uses play-back singing in his films. Reason: No one can play at the back of Rajnikanth. _______________________________________________ 4. Rajnikanth’s voice can sing in 4

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Kids jokes in Hindi

1. जुड़वां बच्चे अपने कमरे में बैठे थे। एक हंस-हंस के लोटपोट हो रहा था जबकि दूसरा उदास था। पिता: “इतना क्यों हंस रहे हो?” बच्चा: “मम्मी ने दोनों बार इसी को नहला दिया।” ________________________________________ 2. एक बच्चा अपनी अध्यापिका को दूरभाष से बताता है कि: “आज मेरा बेटा विद्यालय नहीं आएगा।” आगे से अध्यापिका

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Rajnikanth Jokes

1. People could not speak derogatory remarks to Rajnikanth on face. So, somebody created Facebook. ______________________________________________ 2. If somebody ditches you, pray to Rajnikanth. He will stitch you. ______________________________________________ 3. Rajnikanth once had a hard look at an Apple. In fear, the Apple felt intense heat and burned into a Blackberry. ______________________________________________ 4. There is

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Rajnikanth Jokes

1. Rajnikanth can jump-start with a dive. ____________________________________________________________ 2. Rajnikanth can speed up his car by pressing the brakes. ____________________________________________________________ 3. Rajnikanth’s mobile picks up race when he speed-dials through his mobile. ____________________________________________________________ 4. Rajnikanth does not laugh when someone cracks a joke. He laughs at the people who make jokes on him. ____________________________________________________________ 5.

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Rajnikanth Jokes

1. Rajnikanth can initiate ‘climate change’ at will. _________________________________________ 2. Rajnikanth lacks nothing but competition. _________________________________________ 3. When Rajnikanth was a baby, he fell from a tree. Result? The tree broke. _________________________________________ 4. Rajnikanth made the violet rays Ultra-violet. _________________________________________ 5. Rajnikanth’s factory produces products following 60-sigma precision. _________________________________________

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Rajnikanth Jokes

1. A hot news on Rajnikanth’s birthday: Rajnikanth adopted two elephants, two camels, and two horses from the zoo. Why? To play chess! _________________________________________________ 2. Rajnikanth was shot today. Tomorrow is the bullet’s funeral. _________________________________________________ 3. This notification was issued in the interest of humanity using mobiles phones and emails: Stop making jokes on Rajnikanth

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Rajnikanth Jokes

1. Alfred Nobel was once nominated for Rajnikanth Award. __________________________________________ 2. When Rajnikant was asked why he never use restrooms, he replied: “Whatever Happens in Rajini, stays in Rajini.” __________________________________________ 3. Rajnikanth once strangled a dacoit with a cordless phone! __________________________________________ 4. Dussera wishes “Happy Rajni” to everyone. __________________________________________ 5. Rajnikanth has 12 moons. One

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One Liner Jokes–3

1. Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. ____________________________________________________ 2. I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather. Not screaming and yelling like the passengers in his car. ____________________________________________________ 3. I asked God for a bike, but I know God

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One Liner Jokes–2

1. All reports are in. Life is now officially unfair. ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. If all is not lost, where is it? ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. I went to school to become a wit, only got halfway through. ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. It was all so different before everything changed. ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. Some days you’re the dog, some days you’re the

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Rajnikanth Jokes

1. Rajnikanth can make the twain meet. _____________________________________________________ 2. If Rajnikanth throws an apple in air, it does not follow Newton’s Law. Why? Rajnikanth is beyond gravity. _____________________________________________________ 3. Once an elephant was ordered to stamp Rajnikanth with his foot. There were sounds of bone-cracking. Upon checking, it was found that the elephant lost his

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Jokes for kids in Hindi

1. विवेक को अदरक की चटनी खाना अधिक पसन्द था। प्रतिदिन वो खाने के साथ अदरक की चटनी खाते थे। एक दिन पत्नी उनके लिए चटनी बना रही थी तो उसकी सहेली उसको मिलने आयी। उसने पूछा: “तुम क्या कर रही हो?” पास बैठे पाञ्च वर्षीय भतीजे ने उत्तर दिया: “चाची चाचा की चटनी बना

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Jokes for kids in Hindi

1. विवेक की पत्नी को ऐसा अनुभव हुआ कि बाहर किसी ने बुलाया है। वो बोली: “तनिक देखिए, किसकी आवाज़ है।” इससे पहले कि विवेक कुछ कह पाता, पास बैठे उसके पाञ्च वर्षीय भतीजे, जो कि रेडियो सुन रहा था, ने कहा: “किशोर कुमार की।” ____________________________________________________________ 2. “निन्दा से बढ़कर तुम्हारे लिए कुछ और है?”

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New Rajnikanth Jokes

1. To watch Rajnikant movies in 4D on mobile, Steve jobs was thinking to lunch a new mobile name is “I-RAJINI”. _____________________________________________________________ 2. Now all the C,C++ programs will execute even with Errors. How! Just include the header file, “rajnikanth.h” _____________________________________________________________ 3. Rajnikant was born on 30 February. Since then, February decided not to give

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Anna Hazare Jokes

1. Anna Hazare’s fasts make governments slow. _____________________________________________________________ 2. Nobody can beat Anna Hazare in speed. Why? He is holding a FAST. _____________________________________________________________ 3. Companies selling batteries are toying with an idea of changing their product names around Anna. They feel the batteries will run longer. _____________________________________________________________ 4. What is common between Anna Hazare and

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