What’s there in Edubuntu derivative
We are here to discuss another derivative of Ubuntu, which is more oriented towards education purposes and is ideal for children who are going to join schools or have already been exposed to the computer world. This is a sort of perfect system that can be handed down to a young kid aspiring to learn computer while keeping the educational motives intact.
There are all types of applications included in this derivative of Ubuntu including open office suite, web browser, many educational applications, and graphics applications that help in increasing artistic side of children. Edubuntu comprises the Linux Terminal Server Project (LTSP) technology that helps in booting thin clients from an Edubuntu LTSP server. This is basically beneficial for lowering hardware costs, which is often a major problems in educational arenas.
Some basic features of Edubuntu
1. It is compatible with the existing operating systems on the computer machines and happily coexists with them and can share files with these operating systems.
2. Due to lack of specialized IT staff, educational institutions find it better to use Edubuntu because it enjoys a Unix-like security from malware and viruses.
3. Due to the deployment of LTSP, a single server can manage multiple computer systems using Edubuntu making it easily manageable. Edubuntu often helps in reducing the amount of time you spend administrating your computers.
4. Edubuntu is free of cost and therefore it does not add pressure on budgets of educational institutions while providing all the technologies.
5. The main feature is the support provided by communities and experts can be contacted directly via mailing lists and IRC channels, including the Edubuntu developers themselves.
Main application of Edubuntu
There are many applications included in Edubuntu that are oriented towards educations purposes. Some of them are listed below:
1. Open Office Suite gives you freedom to use a word processor, as well as spreadsheet, presentation, drawing, database, and mathematical formula applications.
2. Evolution gives you option of handling mails while video conferencing facilities are provided by Ekiga. Instant messaging and chat applications can be handled with Gaim.
3. Dia gives you a easily manageable software for handling diagrams and flowcharts. Xsane provides an easy scanner interface. GIMP, Blender and Scribus are some other software to handle other graphic requirements.
4. Rhythmbox, Totem and Kino are some software to handle audio and video requirements. Sound Recorder can be used to record audio clips to your computer.
5. KStars is a Desktop Planetarium that provides an accurate graphical simulation of the night sky and has an encyclopedic statistics about 130000 stars, 13000 deep-sky objects and all of the planets. Kalzium is a package for discovering and researching information about the periodic table and the elements. There are other software to use for scientific explorations.
6. KTurtle is a Logo programming language interpreter that can help the user to use it in the native language. There are many sets of other tools that provide teachers and students to enjoy a freedom for mathematical applications.
7. Tux Paint is a free drawing program designed for young children and it allows children to exercise their drawing skills with easy to use tools.
8. There is a tool to brush up your Spanish language knowledge.
Apart from these applications, Edubuntu comes with many specialized sets of tools that are oriented to make learning computer coherent with academic needs and it is not wrong to say that children do need anything else if they have Edubuntu to learn computer. For further study about Edubuntu, go to this page.