If you are looking to know what your zodiac sign or sun sign is called in Gujarati, here is a list of Gujarati names of zodiac signs for easy understanding with Roman transliteration also so that users who don’t understand the Gujarati script could know how to pronounce the word. These are also called Rashi names in Gujarati.
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Names of Zodiac | Gujarati Names | Transliteration |
Aries | મેષ | Mesh |
Tauras | વૃષભ | Vrushabh |
Gemini | મિથુન | Mithun |
Cancer | કર્ક | Kark |
Leo | સિંહ | Sinh |
Virgo | કન્યા | Kanya |
Libra | તુલા | Tula |
Scorpio | વૃશ્ચિક | Vrushik |
Sagittarius | ધનુ | Dhanu |
Capricorn | મકર | Makar |
Aquarius | કુંભ | Kumbh |
Pisces | મીન | Meen |