How to say I can’t wait to see you in Punjabi
While learning how to say I can’t wait to see you in Punjabi, you must take care that the exact translation of this sentence or Punjabi phrase is not used. A more contextual phrase is used, which actually might mean ‘I look forward to meet you’ or ‘I am looking forward to meet you’.
Actually, in Punjabi conversation, people hardly say this phrase: I can’t wait to see you. What Punjabi people usually use is: I am eager to meet you.
So, we will let you know how to say ‘I am eager to meet you in Punjabi’, which will serve the same purpose as saying ‘I can’t wait to see you in Punjabi’.
I hope this will be helpful to you if you are learning Punjabi. If you want any further help, write to us through the comment section and we will reply.