Continuing our tryst with our exploration of ‘one word substitution‘ list, we present more words as they keep coming. These words are intended to give the exact meaning of a sentence by a single word. These types of lists come pretty handy if you want to improve your vocabulary in English language.
All of one mind. | Unanimous |
Allowance due to a wife from her husband on separation. | Alimony |
An assembly of listeners. | Audience |
An assembly of worshippers. | Congregation |
An exact copy of handwriting,printing or a picture. | Facsimile |
An institution for education in arts and science. | Polytechnic |
An instrument for measuring temperature. | Thermometer |
An instrument for seeing distant objects. | Telescope |
An instrument used by physicians for listening to sounds of heart and lungs. | Stethoscope |
An order prohibiting ships to leave the ports. | Embargo |
An underground place for storing wine or other provisions. | Cellar |
Animals equally at home on land or in sea. | Amphibians |
Animals which carry their young ones in a pouch e.g.,kangaroo. | Marsupials |
Animals which give suckle to their your ones. | Mammals |
Animals which live in water. | Aquatic |
Any medicine which produces insensitivity. | Anaesthetics |
Applicable to widely scattered groups of people. | Sporadic |
Being unable to pay one’s debts. | Insolvent/Bankrupt |
Belonging to or pertaining to an individual from birth. | Congenital |
Belonging too all parts of the world. | Universal/Cosmopolitan |
Born of married parents. | Legitimate |
Born of unmarried parents. | Illegitimate |
Capable of being easily set on fire. | Inflammable |
Compulsory enlistment for military and others services. | Conscription |
Confinement to one place to avoid spread of infection. | Quarantine |
Deviation from the common rule or standard. | Anomaly |
Feeding on both animal and vegetable food i.e. eating all kinds of food. | Omnivorous |
Give tit for tat. | Retaliate |
Goods brought into a country. | Imports |
Goods sent out of a country. | Exports |
Gradual recovery from illness. | Convalescence |
Having no beginning or end to its existence. | Eternal |