Continuing our tryst with our exploration of ‘one word substitution‘ list, we present more words as they keep coming. These words are intended to give the exact meaning of a sentence by a single word. These types of lists come pretty handy if you want to improve your vocabulary in English language.
Home sickness or sentimental longing for the past. | Nostalgia |
Incapable of being admitted or allowed. | Inadmissible |
Incapable of being avoided. | Unavoidable/Inevitable |
Incapable of being conquered. | Unconquerable |
The absence of a governance in a country. | Anarchy |
That which precludes the passage of light. | Opaque |
That which is subject to death. | Mortal |
That which is forbidden,prohibited by law. | Illicit |
That which is everlasting. | Perennial |
That which is contrary law. | Illegal |
That which is a government in which no distinction. | Secular |
That which is a government by official. | Bureaucracy |
That which is a government by priests or ecclesiastics. | Hierarchy |
That which is allows the passage of rays of light. | Transparent |
That letter which is of unknown or un-admitted authorship. | Anonymous |
Singing for some other person without his permission. | Forgery |
Resulting in death. | Fatal |
Property inherited from one’s father or ancestor. | Patrimony |
Person who work in the same department of an office. | Colleagues |
One who writes drama. | Dramatist |
One who writes books. | Author |
One who writes a novel. | Novelist |
One who watches over students taking an exam. | Invigilator |
One who walks. | Pedestrian |
One who undergoes the penalty of death for the persistence of his faith/convictions. | Martyr |
One who treats diseases by performing operations. | Surgeon |
One who totally abstains from alcoholic drinks. | Teetotaler |
One who studies the working of a human mind. | Psychologist |
One who studies the stars. | Astronomer |
One who studies the science and origin of words. | Etymologist |