Continuing our tryst with our exploration of ‘one word substitution‘ list, we present more words as they keep coming. These words are intended to give the exact meaning of a sentence by a single word. These types of lists come pretty handy if you want to improve your vocabulary in English language.
A place where pigs are kept. | Sty |
A place where leather is tanned. | Tannery |
A Hindu place of worship. | Temple |
The house or shelter of an American Indian. | Wigwam |
One who walks on ropes and performs daring gymnastic feats. | Acrobat |
One who devotes his life to the welfare and interests of other people. | Altruist |
One who studies the past through material remains. | Archaeologist |
One who plans and draws the design buildings and superintends their construction. | Architect |
One who foretells by the stars. | Astrologer |
A person with light-coloured hair. | Blonde |
One who steals books. | Biblioklept |
One who goes from place to place begging alms. | Beggar |
One who works with brass. | Brazier |
The treasurer of a college or university. | Bursar |
The person in charge of a ship. | Captain |
One who draws maps. | Cartographer |
One who makes or sells candles. | Chandler |
One who drives a motor-car. | Chauffeur |
One skilled in the care of hands and feet. | Chiropodist |
One who mends shoes. | Cobbler |
One who works in a coal-mine. | Collier |
One who makes or deals in cutting instruments,e.g. Knives. | Cutler |
A person in charge of a museum. | Curator |
One who performs tricks by sleight of hand. | Conjuror |
One who makes barrels,tubs,etc. | Cooper |
One who writes for the newspapers, magazines, TV news channel. | Correspondent |
One who deals in cloth and other fabric. | Draper |
One who draws plans. | Draughtsman |
One who manages or attends to an engine. | Engineer |
One versed in the science of human races and their origin. | Ethnologist |
One who sells fish. | Fishmonger |
One who deals in flowers. | Florist |