I was just trying to add Sanskrit as a “language you speak” in my Orkut profile when I came to know about this strange revelation–Orkut does not believe Sanskrit to be a worthy language that can be mentioned in a social profile. They do not even give the option to select it.
This is pretty strange or so to say when we know that Sanskrit happens to be the oldest of known language and is so rich in its literature. This seems a sort of technical sacrilege to me.
Take a look here:

Now, in the drop-down menu of those languages as options, you won’t find Sanskrit anywhere. This has a pretty negative impact on all the means and efforts of reviving Sanskrit among masses as social networking sites like Orkut are popular among lots of people. There are lots of communities on Orkut that are solely dedicated to Sanskrit and they seems to be working for a language that has no value for the site itself.
Check the list of languages:
4-5 years back, I sort of doubt that Orkut used to give the option of Sanskrit–am not sure about it but got a thought that they did.
I feel strongly that this omission of the language is objectionable and the developers should enlist Sanskrit as a language that people can speak and showcase in their profile. Please feel free to leave your comments or views about this issue.

Yes., ur right but how can we correct it.. Plz tel me about that