Today’s corporate world presents a galaxy of project manager jobs for experienced and adequately skilled professionals. However, the prospects for project manager jobs seem bright with those firms that are more focused. For instance, firms engaged in business with the federal government, highly regulated businesses like healthcare and companies that have adopted quality or project management culture present better opportunities for project managers. In addition, all those companies that were forced to make deep and extensive cuts in their IT staff during the recession period are seen hiring project managers on contract basis now. On the whole, project managers finding careers with firms presenting strict regulations or companies that must necessarily innovate will find high growth prospects.
Healthcare clinics present a great demand for project managers who can take lead in implementing electronic media records and electronic health records. Since a big numbers of mid-level managers were hit the hardest during recession, they are now trying to snatch the project managers roles as and when they are available. On account of this, the number of people competing for this segment is high now thereby presenting a tough competition. Under such circumstances, the ability of the project managers in solving problems and meeting expectations will reserve the top slots for them.