List of Spanish names of colors (colours) in English
Here is a list of Spanish names of colors (colours). If you would like to know Spanish name of any other color (colour), you can contact us or ask through comment section of this post. We will love to hear from you if you would like to provide you feedback in making these tutorials more interesting or better.
White | Blanco |
Black | Negro |
Brown | Café |
Red | Rojo |
Green | Verde |
Yellow | Amarillo |
Blue | Azul |
Violet | Violeta |
Orange | Anaranjado |

Where did they get this translation? Orange is not anaranjado… that would be something orange-ified. If you add orange food coloring to milk, then that would be milk anaranjado (orage-ified milk). However, the color orange alone is naranja.
Could be possible…need to recheck it. Will confirm it and get back. Thanks for pointing.