List of Telugu names of Vegetables from English
Here is a list of Punjabi vegetables names vegetable from English. If you would like to know the Punjabi name of any other vegetable, you can contact us through comment section or directly.
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Brinjal | వంకాయ |
Tomato | తక్కాళి |
Radish | ముల్లంగి |
Potato | ఉర్లగడ్డ |
Onion | ఎర్రగడ్డ |
Chilli | మిరపకాయ |
Ladyfinger | బెండకాయ |
Cucumber | దోసకాయ |
Bitter Gourd | కాకరకాయ |
Snake Gourd | పొట్లకాయ |
Pumpkin | గుమ్మిడికాయ |

i need more leafy vegetables and spices names because i find difficulty in reading recipies.
Well, I am not sure I might be able to give you the names of spices but I will try–please post what names you would like to know. Thanks!
Please include names of all vegetables
It will be better if you could give names of vegetables that you want me to provide the Telugu names.
dhonda kaya ledha dhonda pandu ni emantaru english loo
good attempt. Indid not know that there is a name for tomato in telugu..takkali!
Similarly you can make tha names of the plants and trees.. like Neem is vepa..etc,
i want know “bodakaakarakaaya” name in english
hi friend,tamota name in telugu is Ramamulakkaaya (not “takkali”)
No. Ramamulakkaya grows as a sand crawler plant and belongs to the family of Brinjal. It is about half inch dia and actually resembles a green brinjal and tastes similar with lot more seeds. You get it in river beds on sand in Rayalaseema. In our childhood, we used to make Gojju out of it.
Hi, motikayani english lo aamantaru??
hi ,munagakaya ni english lo emuntaru…?
Hi.. Can somebody help me out?? what is Aagakara kaya called in english??
i want to know what is ponnaganti kura called in english?
They are somewhat like “small bitter melon”
It is called Water Amaranth
@dhonda pandu
dondakaya ne english lo tindoora/gherkins ateru
what is anapakaya called in telugu?
@sreelatha munagakaya is called as drumstick in english
@arun anapakaya is called as bottle gourd in english
what is “aritikay” called in english????
‘aratikaya’ means green plaintain in english
what is goongura
which tastes like lemon
what is gongura
which tastes like sour,lemon
i wank to know the meaning of dondakai in english
I like your website for telugu names.
I want to know the in English or Hindi for vakkayya
English or Hindi name for Vakkayya(telugu)
ur mentioned wrong as tomato name in telugu. it is “rama mulagakaya”, not “thakkali”, Thakkali is tamil word. pls be make sure when u finalize any thing
what is beerakaya called in english?
@Amjad Beerakaya called in english as RIDGE GUORD
hi, Dry stick is Munakkaaya
Tomato is called as Thakkali in Kannada and Tamil. Most of the Telugu people call Tomato as Tomato only. The name of Tomatoes in Telugu is Rama Munakkayalu. Very very few of Telugu people knew this name.
Ribbed gourd is Beera kaaya.
tiesel gaurd
ridge gaurd
nice & very usefull
i want name of dondakaya plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
what is gowarkai or gokarkai called in english
teasel gourd