While learning how to say innovation in Sanskrit, we must take care of the context in which this word is being used. It can be the act of innovation through which a new idea, concept, or a way is found and executed, and thus, a new trend or path is carved or a change is brought. The other meaning could be the actual change that is brought–which would mean a new path, a new trend, a new thought etc.
We have provided the meaning of both these contexts with transliteration in International Standard for people who don’t understand Devnagiri script.
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Below is the meaning of innovation in Sanskrit as the act:
English | Sanskrit | Transliteration |
Innovation | नवव्यवहारस्थापनं | Navavyavahārasthāpanaṁ |
Innovation | नूतनरीतिसंस्थापनं | Nūtanarītisaṁsthāpanaṁ |
Innovation | व्यवहारान्तरकल्पनं | Vyavahārakalpanaṁ |
Innovation | नवीनाचारसंस्थपानं | Navīnācārasaṁsthāpanaṁ |
Innovation | नूतनसम्प्रदायकल्पनं | Nūtansampradāyakalpanaṁ |
Innovation | देशाचारपरिवर्त्तनं | Deśācāraparivarttanaṁ |
Innovation | कुलाचारपरिवर्त्तनं | Kulācāraparivarttanaṁ |
Innovation | नूतनकर्म्मप्रवर्त्तनं | Nūtankarmmapravarttanaṁ |
Innovation | नवीकरणं | Navīkaraṇaṁ |
Below is the meaning of innovation in Sanskrit as the change which is made through the innovation as an act:
English | Sanskrit | Transliteration |
Innovation | नूतनरीतिः | Nūtanarītiḥ |
Innovation | नवरीतिः | Navarītiḥ |
Innovation | नवीनव्यवहारः | NavīnaVyavahāra |
Innovation | व्यवहारान्तरं | Vyavahārāntaraṁ |
Innovation | रीत्पन्तरं | Rītpataraṁ |
Innovation | नवाचारः | Navācāraḥ |
Innovation | नवाचरितं | Navācaritaṁ |
Innovation | नवचरितं | Navacaritaṁ |
Innovation | नवमार्गः | Navamārgaḥ |
Innovation | नवधारा | Navadhārā |